Friday, January 21, 2011

National World War I Museum

For years I have wanted to visit the Liberty Memorial and go up in the tower.  Due to weather that was not an option last Monday, so I will be going back when the weather is a bit "springier." The museum is excellent! You walk into the main exhibit hall over a transparent bridge where you can look down and see 9,000 poppies.  Each silk flower represents 1,000 soldiers killed. I was very impressed with the concise descriptions and the larger font used to describe the displays.  As a child I remember being BORED going through a museum because the print was small and there was not enough "stuff" to look at while the adults read.  However, the curators at the National World War One Museum have diligently worked to keep the interest of all patrons. All the senses are incorporated.  Some exhibits are interactive. I would not hesitate to take fifth grade students or above on a field trip here after they had studied The Great War. If on a family outing, you take time to make history come alive and don't have the propensity to tarry at any one exhibit long; even younger elementary children would gain exposure to new ideas that they would later build on in school.  Please check back later for a children's checklist and an advanced organizer. This was a great outing!

Website: National World War I Museum

Over There
by Cohan

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