Friday, January 28, 2011

Clay County Veterans Memorial

Not knowing what one may find is part of any adventure.  I have always wanted to see up close the fountain by North Oak Trafficway and Vivion instead of just whizzing by at 35 miles and hour. So that was going to be my weekly adventure. Finding a place to park was the first hurtle, but thankfully I found a lot with several spaces cleared of ice and snow. I was coming from school and ill-prepared to walk through snow, but three hundred yards of snow and ice was not going to keep me from my goal.  So I thankfully followed others' footprints and happened upon my first unexpected find.

For years, I have driven on Vivion numerous times, but never knew about the Clay County Veterans' Memorial. Located in the Anita B. Gorman Park (yes, the park does have a name) near Vivion and North Oak Trafficway this memorial was erected to honor residents of Clay County, Missouri that died in military action.  Names of Veterans from the Civil War, Spanish-American War, World War I, World War II, Korea, Vietnam, Persian Gulf, and Iraq grace the black marble. I pondered as I read the names, "I wonder what stories these men and women could tell?  What would they want to future generations to remember most?"  There is space left to write names of fallen heroes of future conflicts.

Sovereign Wings is the bronze eagle sculpture in the center of the memorial.  What is this piece of art to symbolize?  Yes, everyone can have their own interpretation of art, but I do think that there was an original purpose. The bald eagle is our national bird. Sovereign Wings looks as if it is about to take flight. Perhaps it is the hope, that as a nation, we will soar beyond the present conflicts but always be constantly vigil. I was reminded of Isaiah 40:31, "But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint."

In between the marble plaques listing the fallen heroes names where inspirational quotes and a Bible verse.
Greater love has no one than this, than to lay down one's life for his friends. John 15:13

To Remember. To Heal. To Honor. To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die. ~Thomas Campbell

Below each quote someone had laid a wreath and drawn a heart in the snow.  If you look closely, you might still be able to see it.

Ideas of things to do with children:
  • Teach proper behaviors for visiting an outdoor memorial. (In the car three blocks away is a good place too.)
  • Talk about the the meaning of sacrifice, honor, respect, duty, service, POW, MIA, ect.
  • Relate a quick story of family history to one of the wars. 
  • Explain that every person's name that is etched on this wall died to protect our country.
  • Find a relative's name if you know he or she is listed there.
  • Encourage child to find his/her name, names that are alike, names of friends, names that start with a certain letter. 
  • Say a prayer for all of those who are currently serving.
  • Find the punctuation error.  Hint: There is a semicolon that should be a colon.
  • Identify the three flags. (There might be four flying) Encourage kiddos to tell the meanings the flags.
  • Make a rubbing.
  • Allow older children to bring a sketch book to draw part of the memorial or to write down a quote, name, or an idea that comes to their mind.
  • Encourage your child to read a quote and then ask them what they think it means.  Why would someone think that sentence was so important to put here?  How does the quote help us better understand?
  •  Ask your child questions.  Why do you think this sculpture of an eagle is here? What does this remind you of?

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